Dear Members
Please find below message from Centre for Health Protection for your information.
The Hong Kong Institute of Housing
Infection Control Advice for Property Management
In view of the serious pandemic condition, in order to curb the spread of COVID-19, it is high time for the Government to launch “Stay Home Safe”. Under the Prevention and Control of Disease Regulation (Cap. 599A), the Department of Health will issue a compulsory quarantine order to the close contacts or contacts of close contact of COVID-19 the confirmed case and the persons have to undergo 14-day or 4-day quarantine respectively. Any person concerned who leaves the dwelling place without permission may commit a criminal offence. To minimize risks, persons under quarantine should follow all guidelines, including infection control guidelines, advised by the Department of Health. Persons under quarantine are allowed to acquire basic daily necessities and food with the assistance from friends, relatives or couriers. To reduce the risks of being infected, when delivering items to persons under quarantine to their apartments, friends, relatives or couriers should not enter the apartment.
The Centre for Health Protection would advise the property management
- To facilitate contact tracing when necessary, all visitors are encouraged to register their particulars (including name, contact number, date, time of the visit). If there is “LeaveHomeSafe” QR code at the entrance of the building, the visitor can use “LeaveHomeSafe”
- Temperature screening for all people entering the building. People detected with fever should not be allowed to enter the building
- Keep the environment of common areas clean:
- Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as furniture, commonly shared items and floor with 1 in 99 diluted household bleach (mixing 1 part of household bleach containing 5.25% sodium hypochlorite with 99 parts of water), leave for 15 – 30 minutes, and then rinse with water and wipe dry. For metallic surface, disinfect with 70% alcohol.
- If places are contaminated by respiratory secretions, vomitus or excreta, use absorbent disposable towels to wipe them away. Then disinfect the surface and neighbouring areas with 1 in 49 diluted household bleach (mixing 1 part of household bleach containing 5.25% sodium hypochlorite with 49 parts of water), leave for 15 – 30 minutes and then rinse with water and wipe dry. For metallic surface, disinfect with 70% alcohol.
- Clean and disinfect areas with frequent access by members of the public (e.g. lifts, escalators, lobby entrance, waiting areas, corridors, Geng kiosk, information counter and lounges) at least twice daily.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (e.g. buttons, handrails, handle, chairs and mailboxes) at least every 2-4 hourly and when visibly soiled.
- Properly clean up rubbish and waste stored in the garbage room every day. Clean and disinfect related facilities at least twice daily.
- Clean the exhaust fan inside the lift regularly and keep it in good condition
- When there is / are person(s) under home quarantine, other residents of the building should be informed and reminded to maintain good personal hygiene including hand hygiene, to complete the course of COVID-19 vaccination, and to properly wear well-fitted surgical masks. Inform and alert cleansing staff of the presence of persons under home quarantine and remind them to strictly observe infection control measures.
The Government appeals to the public to their devotion in keeping themselves highly alerted, maintaining good personal hygiene, wearing well-fitted surgical masks properly, getting vaccinated and helping each other. Together we shall fight against the virus!
Centre for Health Protection
6 Feb 2022
- 物業管理人員應要求訪客登記個人資料(包括姓名、聯絡電話、探訪日期及時間),以方便在有需要時追蹤接觸者。如果物業已安裝「安心出行」二維碼,應鼓勵訪客使用「安心出行」流動應用程式。
- 為所有進入有關大廈的人士作體溫監測,並拒絕發燒人士進入大廈。
- 保持公共地方的環境清潔
- 經常清潔和消毒常接觸的表面,如傢俬、共用物品和地板。使用 1 比 99 稀釋家用漂白水(即把 1 份含 5.25% 次氯酸鈉的家用漂白水與 99 份清水混和)消毒,待 15 至 30分鐘後,用水清洗並抹乾。金屬表面則可用 70%酒精消毒。
- 被呼吸道分泌物、嘔吐物或排泄物汚染的物品表面或地方,應先用吸水力強的即棄抹巾清理可見的污物,然後用 1 比49 稀釋家用漂白水(把 1 份含 5.25%次氯酸鈉的家用漂白水與 49 份清水混和)消毒被污染的地方及鄰近各處,待 15至 30 分鐘後,用水清洗並抹乾。金屬表面則可用 70%酒精消毒。
- 公眾經常到訪的地方 (例如升降機、扶手電梯 、大堂入口、等候 處、走廊、更亭、大堂詢問處和休憩地方),每天清潔和消毒最少兩次。
- 經常接觸的表面(例如按鈕、扶手、拉手、坐椅和信箱),最少每二至四小時清潔和消毒一次,並於有明顯污垢時清潔和消毒。
- 每天妥善清除存放於垃圾房內的垃圾及廢物,每天清潔和消毒相關設施最少兩次。
- 定期清潔升降機內的抽氣扇,並保持其性能良好。
- 當大廈內有受檢疫人士時, 物業管理應通知其他居民並提醒他們保持良好 的個人衞生包括手部衛生,接種2019冠狀病毒疫苗,及正確佩戴貼面的外科口罩,並提醒清潔人員於大廈內有受檢疫人士,並確保清潔人員於執勤時嚴格遵守相關的感染控制措施