News / Others

Guidelines for Responsible Persons for Lifts on Coping with Adverse Weather Conditions

Issued Date

Dear Members


Please find below message from EMSD for your information.




The Hong Kong Institute of Housing

Dear HKIH,

A typhoon is approaching Hong Kong.  To assist property management personnel take appropriate measures to reduce the risk of damage to lifts and passenger entrapment due to inclement weather, we appeal for your organization's support to disseminate the EMSD's "Guidelines for Responsible Persons for Lifts on Coping with Adverse Weather Conditions" to your members as appropriate for their information. 

Should you have any queries, please contact the undersigned. 

Thank you very much for your support. 


E/GL4/3, EMSD 
Tel: 2808 3115 
Fax: 2504 5970